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Highlights of the June 21 TB Meeting

POP-UP ARTISAN MARKET: June 30TH 11-5PM at the Old Library on Main Street. Music in the Gazebo and talented craftspeople.

COMP PLAN: We have received a Greenway Grant to review our Comprehensive Plan and update it! We will be convening meetings with all the stakeholders and departments in town to create a brief survey to be sent out to the community. Stay tuned!

DURST: The Durst Corporation will be returning to town September 17th for a meeting with the Town and Planning Boards.

OLD LIBRARY: The Old Library is officially FOR SALE. Pick up a form to make a bid at Town Hall. As this is an RFP, the bids are very specific in their requirements. Invest in Pine Plains and a great old building in a key location downtown.

MORE RESOLUTIONS: We passed our Taser Policy and our extended agreement with American Tower for our cell tower.

SOLAR LAW: If you are interested in being a part of the committee to review and revise a Solar Law for Pine Plains, please write

BOB COUSE TOWN CLEAN-UP DAY: September 8th, 2018 7:30am to 3pm Residents Only! Monitors will be on hand. Tires will be accepted for around $3/per tire, up to pick-up truck size; appliances will be accepted for a $15 fee if they contain Freon; latex paints need to be dried (poured onto kitty litter); no hazardous waste or electronics. Specifics will be posted closer to the date! Get rid of all those tires in your yard!

BEACH: It’s open every day with lifeguards! We continue to work on it, and have the septic field repair out for bids.

GRANT WRITERS: If you’d like to help the town seek money for repairs, dreams,  and improvements, please write or visit Supervisor Cloud!

AGRICULTURE COMMITTEE: We are looking for a Few Good Folks to be on the Committee–they will play an integral role also in our Solar Law. Contact Town Hall.

Enjoy the summer! Bike the Lakes! Hike the mountains! Bring dinner down to the beach and meet your neighbors!