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Tag: Carvel Development

Highlights of the August 16 Town Board Meeting

Town Supervisor Cloud passed on some compliments to a number of people this month–Heather Wilson, for her work with the Town of Gallatin, who made a special point of thanking us for her innovative road-building; to Town Bookkeeper Karena Frenzel for work commended by Town Accountant Michael Torchia as a huge improvement over the past, and Jen Chase for a truly successful Summer Camp this year.

The Durst Organization will be back to speak about the Carvel Project on September 17, 2018 at the Community Center. All welcome in Pine Plains and Milan. This will be informational only, no comments taken at this time.

Faculty member Nelson Zayas is the new enrichment coordinator for the schools, and as such requested a small allotment so the kids can paint 2 snow plows from the Highway Garage. So passed!

The TB was introduced to a new recruit for the Police Department, Michael Belliveau. With our approval, Michael will now take the training to become a member of the PPPD. Michael comes with extensive experience as a Sheriff in Albany, with numerous training skills that will be of great value to Pine Plains. A veteran as well, the GI Bill will help him outfit himself, and his presence will help relieve the pressure on the rest of the force without costing the town any more.

We accepted and passed a bid on building the new septic system at the beach. Work will ensue soon. This is a special system designed to be near a lake, so that waste is pumped away from it.

Look for a tag sale on Ag Day along 199 as the Recreation Department raises money for next year.

As always, the meeting is posted here and on Pine Plains Views, and all are welcome to come to the next one on September 20th.

Highlights of the June 21 TB Meeting

POP-UP ARTISAN MARKET: June 30TH 11-5PM at the Old Library on Main Street. Music in the Gazebo and talented craftspeople.

COMP PLAN: We have received a Greenway Grant to review our Comprehensive Plan and update it! We will be convening meetings with all the stakeholders and departments in town to create a brief survey to be sent out to the community. Stay tuned!

DURST: The Durst Corporation will be returning to town September 17th for a meeting with the Town and Planning Boards.

OLD LIBRARY: The Old Library is officially FOR SALE. Pick up a form to make a bid at Town Hall. As this is an RFP, the bids are very specific in their requirements. Invest in Pine Plains and a great old building in a key location downtown.

MORE RESOLUTIONS: We passed our Taser Policy and our extended agreement with American Tower for our cell tower.

SOLAR LAW: If you are interested in being a part of the committee to review and revise a Solar Law for Pine Plains, please write

BOB COUSE TOWN CLEAN-UP DAY: September 8th, 2018 7:30am to 3pm Residents Only! Monitors will be on hand. Tires will be accepted for around $3/per tire, up to pick-up truck size; appliances will be accepted for a $15 fee if they contain Freon; latex paints need to be dried (poured onto kitty litter); no hazardous waste or electronics. Specifics will be posted closer to the date! Get rid of all those tires in your yard!

BEACH: It’s open every day with lifeguards! We continue to work on it, and have the septic field repair out for bids.

GRANT WRITERS: If you’d like to help the town seek money for repairs, dreams,  and improvements, please write or visit Supervisor Cloud!

AGRICULTURE COMMITTEE: We are looking for a Few Good Folks to be on the Committee–they will play an integral role also in our Solar Law. Contact Town Hall.

Enjoy the summer! Bike the Lakes! Hike the mountains! Bring dinner down to the beach and meet your neighbors!


Durst Presentation in Milan

The Durst Corporation visited Milan on Saturday June, 2nd and gave an updated presentation on the Carvel Development Project. The meeting was filmed by Stan Hirson and can be found on Notable were numerous welcome changes to the presentation from the February version.

2nd Carvel Development Meeting 3.17.18

The second in a series of open Town Board meetings will be held at the Community Center on 3.17.18 from 10:30-12:30. The Town Board and Planning Board will address comments and questions from citizens in response to the first meeting.

First Durst Meeting held; second on March 17th

The Durst Corporation came to Pine Plains on February 24th to give us a powerpoint on the new proposal for the Carvel Development. Highlights include land conservancy, an affordable housing fund, and the creation of numerous jobs in building and maintenance. Comments by the public are being accepted at and will be included in a report to the Dursts which they will address at the next meeting on March 17th at 10:30am at the Community Center. See more Highlights under Town Supervisor Updates.

First Durst Meeting Highlights

On February 24th, the Durst Corporation came to the Community Center to present their project in an informational town-wide meeting. Highlights of the plan include much more green space and land conservancy than the original plan, a trail system open to the public which would allow us to walk from downtown Pine Plains all the way to Lafayetteville, an Affordable Housing Fund to be administered by the Town Board for in-town housing, and the potential for numerous jobs associated with the building and maintenance of the development. The potential economic impact of the project was suggested, though there remains a discrepancy between this potential and both the forestry tax exemptions (upwards of $6,000,00) they have received, and their proposed use of common space, which may conflict with businesses already established in Pine Plains.  They spoke of being open to hearing about all of these impacts and more. After describing the development to us in a powerpoint, they requested feedback on the following aspects of the proposal:

  1. Layout and design of the project
  2. Size of the project
  3. Variety of housing and lot sizes
  4. Proposed public benefits a) Are all of them useful/up-to-date? b) Are there changes to be considered? c) Do any raise potential difficulties? d) Are there different benefits or amenities which should be considered?

You can read the NND on our website under About Us/Development. Please send your comments to for inclusion in a report to the Dursts which they will address at the next meeting on March 17th at 10:30 am at the Community Center.