This was a tough month for Pine Plains. We lost a number of beloved and important citizens. Two significant nor’easters swept through and knocked out power and roads for days. This brought to our attention the need for all of our departments to work together in emergencies, and for a plan of which all are aware. Warming and charging were made available at the Community Center and the Town Hall. Dry ice and bottled water for our area was delivered by Central Hudson to Red Hook. Most people stayed home and manned their generators, or came into town for a few hours to sit at diners with friends. Neighbors helped neighbors. We got through it. The County will soon be delivering a comprehensive emergency plan for the town, so that all systems work in a united way.
At the Town Board Meeting on the Ides of March, (not a time of evil, as Shakespeare had it, but a time for settling debts that goes back to the Romans!) we discussed a few of the following things:
The Old Library Sale: we will put it up for sale again ourselves, but this time with specific requirements for the renovation of the building, as it stands on prime real estate in Pine Plains.
We took a pledge to become a Climate Smart Community which will enable us to apply for grants with NYSERDA for energy-saving systems and an EV Charging Station.
The Trails Report was approved. Town attorney will draw up the necessary resolution.
We have launched a search for a Court Prosecutor.
It was nice to see students in attendance. We hope they learned a few things about good government!