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ZRC Action Items 2021 Zoning Review

Zoning Actions

  1. Review p. 89-91 of Implementations Section of Comp Plan Update and enact

Zoning Review Action Items: Some Specifics

2. Increase size of Business/residential district to allow for living over a business. Evaluate zoning districts with the goal of increasing density to encourage affordable housing development in the hamlet and near the business district. Foster growth in hamlet and manage agricultural landscape in rural districts. Be proactive not reactive. Foster diversity in business district.

3. Solar Law

4. Review, update and add new definitions (e.g. short-term rentals, resort calculation for allowable size)

5. Murphy/Chase Property 20 acres Lake Road/Mitchell Property/Catholic fields need to be brought into residential district acreage requirement in order to build cluster housing. Consider form-based codes for developments.

6. 5-acre density zoning clarification and discussion.

7. Zero-lot-line zoning in hamlet. Examine concept. Useful for affordable housing owned not rented Consider zoning overlay to allow for building in open lots around town. See Rural Build attachment.

8. Setbacks, ingress and egress: Non-conforming properties set-backs issue: can we reconcile these with our set-back requirements, as they don’t conform to any zoning as is? Front and side lawns also bear looking at. Form-based codes apply? How? Liberta Property has been zoned out of existence, needs to be brought in somehow.

9. Manufactured housing—site review required but the last TB changed the size of the house requirements to allow for single-wide trailers. Previous recommendations were for housing sizes to be in keeping with double-wides which look more like real homes. Why? Why not?

10. Review ridgeline protections and amend as needed. Consider wind turbine threat.

11. ADUs: Accessory dwellings: revise to allow for renting an accessory dwelling on one’s property to anyone, not just family. Examine setbacks.

12. Merging properties.

13. Permissive activities.

14. NND—keep or discard?

15. Signs