Pine Plains Water Improvement Area Notice about delinquent water bills
Please remember that all water bills are to be paid within 30 days or they are considered delinquent. It is the PPWIA policy to re-levy any overdue unpaid water balances to the following year’s county/town tax bill on November 1, 2021. Any outstanding account balances 30 days and older will be forwarded to Dutchess County and added to the annual tax bill for collection. These amounts will show as a line item.
Landlords of properties within the water district should take note that the owner of the property is responsible for all outstanding water usage balances of their tenants. Bills with “Duplicate Invoice Please Do Not Pay” indicates that the bill was also sent to the tenant in their name. Landlords renting property to tenants should contact the PPWIA at 518-398-1411 to ensure all outstanding balances as of November 1, 2021 are paid to date. If a balance remains, it will be re-levied on the property tax bill. Thank you for your attention to this matter.